Saturday, November 04, 2006

The best of luck Willie

Hi Willie

Thanks for letting me know about the blog - I promise to familiarise myself with the system and I also promise to try to contribute as much as I can over the next while. I am just back from a very successful canvass with my Party Leader Pat Rabbitte and need to put my feet up - am nursing a pretty bad fluey/coughy/coldy thing at the moment and the beautiful bright and crisp but very very very cold weather up here in the hills is not helping me in my situation! I think my other half is going to mind the kids while I go to bed and try to unsmother myself. Talk soon.

The best of luck with this format.


1 comment:

Willie_W said...

Thanks Marie. Hope you're feeling better soon and can contribute more posts to the Blog. Did you get the cold from Pat himself...? ;-)
